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December 2022 SeaLUG Meeting – Seattle Public Library Lake City


Yesterday, we met for the last meeting of 2022 at the Lake City branch of the Seattle Public Library. It was also the first official meeting led by a new team of coordinators. Christoph, our newly-elected meeting coordinator, did a fantastic job navigating the agenda! We welcomed a few new members, talked about upcoming display events after the new year, and did a show-and-tell featuring winter/holiday builds and a couple of recent sets like the 71411 The Mighty Bowser and the Lego House exclusive 40502 Brick Moulding Machine.

Thanks to everyone who braved the snow (or what was left) to stop by and to everyone who joined virtually! Our next meeting will be on Saturday, January 7; stay tuned for more info. As always, if you’re interested in joining SeaLUG or would like an invite to the next meeting, please get in touch!

Our in-person group
Our virtual group